UKAT Events



Community Programme

The community programme encourages students and their families to engage in learning which can range from volunteering, afterschool enrichment, accredited national programmes, residential trips, clubs and so much more.

UKAT Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

Chatham Grammar offers Year 9, 10 and 12 students a chance to participate in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE). The DofE programme has been successful in enhancing school learning and achievement, securing personal and social development and encouraging good citizenship. The Award is recognised internationally, and is well regarded by Higher Education establishments and employers. We are proud to offer our students access to the Bronze and Silver.

UKAT Combined Cadet Force (CCF)

The broad function of the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is that of a youth movement sponsored by Her Majesty’s Armed Forces, to provide a challenging environment in Chatham Grammar so that students may develop power of leadership, by means of opportunities and training to promote self-reliance, responsibility, resourcefulness, endurance, perseverance, and a sense of service to the community. The opportunities are plentiful with the CCF, and students are invited to attend lots of adventurous and physical activities throughout their time with the CCF.

Adult and Family Learning

We are proud to be sponsored by the University of Kent who are committed to supporting the academy in designing and delivering a range of courses for adults, including the Access to Higher Education Diploma, which aims to encourage adult learners to look at higher education as a next step in their learning journey.

At Chatham Grammar we offer a wide range of Adult and Family Learning courses, which include information sessions for our parents and carers, such as Understanding Adolescent Mental Health, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) courses, Online Safety which provides parents/carers with useful information around online laws and trends etc. Our family programme also includes activities such as Mindfulness for Families, Table Tennis for Families, seasonal craft and cooking workshops, to name but a few.

Spiritual, Moral, Social, and Cultural

We offer a vibrant and healthy community programme for our students at Chatham Grammar, with a focus on engaging young people in out of hours activities to expand and explore their own personal growth through a variety of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural programmes. These programmes are key to the expansion of our students understanding and awareness around themselves, and the wider world around them. A flavour of these programmes might include: Black History Month, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender and Questioning (LGBTQ+) events, and World Day for Cultural Diversity. These are just a few of the events that we bring to our academy community, and we push the boundaries to educate and celebrate these wonderful differences amongst our students and staff community.


Healthy mindsets and positive happy headspaces are key areas of growth for our young adults at Chatham Grammar. We want our young people to be equipped for the challenges that they will face in the wider world, and sometimes we need to offer some extra support during their time at the academy. This happens through our very own bespoke wrap around provision, unique to our UKAT academies.

We offer a range of different positive interventions to promote healthy emotional headspaces, and work with a team of highly skilled external professionals and in-house staff to support our students at the academy. The offer includes:

  • Dedicated Pastoral lead for all year groups
  • Wellbeing and Safeguarding Officers
  • Counsellors (female counsellors)
  • Psychotherapist –  to support higher level need and oversee all counsellors
  • Mindfulness programmes
  • Mindset workshops
  • Pets Therapy and Dog Mentors
  • Youth Resilience
  • Lego Therapy
  • ELSA
  • Anger Management
UKAT1921 UKAT Academies Trust Logo Final-02
Principal : Wendy Walters
Chatham Grammar Rainham Road Chatham Kent ME5 7EH

Chatham Grammar is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales No.07710807 Registered Office: Rainham Road, Chatham, Kent ME5 7EH

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