What Does The Lead Sponsor Bring To Chatham Grammar?
Here are some of the interventions that you will find in our UKAT schools which are delivered by both UKAT and the University of Kent:
- Student Ambassador Programme supporting UKAT students via University of Kent undergraduate and postgraduate students in key subjects such as English, Sciences and Languages. This entails structured classroom and study support offered by experienced and knowledgeable University of Kent undergraduate and postgraduate students
- A bespoke programme of academic projects and activities, with a particular focus on the Arts and Science, beginning with Transitions support and the Da Vinci Days in Year 7. All students will have opportunities from Year 7-10 to participate in activities, including visiting the University of Kent campus, which develop their individual learning skills and help them to understand more about university life
- Innovative programme of targeted literacy, reading and writing projects for students at a variety of levels to develop their core communication skills and confidence across Years 7-9
- Collaborative UKAT Sixth Form with bespoke University of Kent modules of learning created specially to enhance the learning experience of our older learners with a view to attending University or obtaining higher level learning apprenticeships
- Focused support for Sixth Form students wishing to pursue careers in medicine, veterinary, dentistry through academic mentoring and application support
- Progression support for all Sixth Form students, helping them to consider the right post-18 options for them, with support from the University of Kent for those considering applications to Higher Education
- Apple technology in all schools with a focus on continuing to upgrade and develop technology for learning in the 21st century using mobile devices
- Employability Scheme for Sixth Form learners comprises a new and creative World of Work placement programme, which means student are interviewed, employed and paid to work in a variety of roles within the safety of the UKAT school, gaining valuable experience and being financially rewarded for their employment. Students are required to keep their own Global Passport, providing valuable evidence of their World of Work placement programme
- The University of Kent supports progression of it’s graduates to teacher training at UAKT through a variety of programmes, and supports teacher CPD for UKAT staff. The University of Kent is committed to seeing excellent teachers recruited to develop at UKAT
- The University of Kent has run international trips for UKAT students coupled with bespoke learning opportunities in locations where the University has a programme of study, such as Athens, Paris and Brussels
- Partnership working to provide a wide range of opportunities to students including bespoke study workshops and University campus days to experience life as a university student
- UKAT Wellbeing Hub comprises of a unique mix of young professionals in their final years of study. We have a wide range of student placements including student social workers, student counsellors and student psychology students who are offered placements via the University of Kent degree programmes. This provides UKAT schools with a core foundation of wellbeing interventions that underpin and support students learning
- Community Team underpinning the development of social cohesion and social capital through out of hours educational experiences via an extensive Adult and Family Learning programme. Education and knowledge are power, and the University of Kent are pivotal in this area of community development by providing high quality adult educational programmes such as the Access to Higher Education Diploma leading to degree and master level qualifications
- Access for Academy staff and students to the University Drill Hall library and other facilities/conferences/lectures that may help their professional and personal development which means we have been able to offer our UKAT Sixth Form Options event at the prestigious Pilkington Building
- Debating and Confidence programmes run by the University of Kent to expose our students to powerful communication techniques and new ways of thinking about their own learning
- UKAT Senior Management Team strategically oversees the Trust schools ensuring a joined up collaborative approach to building UKAT schools across the Trust
- Training and Development Team that works collaboratively across the two schools, harnessing and modelling excellent teaching pedagogical practises, sharing experience and innovation across the wider UKAT staffing team
- Finance Team to ensure that the two UKAT schools are supported and steered to ensure the best financial advice and guidance is given and value for money, applying for grant funding and securing new revenue opportunities where possible
- HR Department that supports both schools centrally and manages recruitment across the UKAT Trust
Principal : Wendy Walters
Chatham Grammar Rainham Road Chatham Kent ME5 7EH
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