UKAT Events

Extension Activities

Extension Activities

Core Programme

In addition to their A level studies, students follow a carefully structured programme which consists of Careers Education (incorporating comprehensive guidance for Higher Education and future employment), Personal Social and Health Education. Professionals and representatives from a variety of vocational fields are invited into the academy to give presentations on employment opportunities and offer advice on the skills students will require in a competitive job market. We work closely with representatives from a number of universities but in particular the University of Kent when planning and delivering our core programme so that our students are kept fully up to date and can make informed decisions about their future.

Work Experience

Students are encouraged to organise their Work Experience placements in vocational settings appropriate to their future career aspirations. Many students take up the opportunity to volunteer within the local community and are able to gain experience and develop skills in areas of work that will be of benefit to them in their future career or university course. Sixth Form staff offer advice and support to students throughout the process and students produce excellent portfolios detailing their experiences and development of skills. Admissions tutors and employers have found these portfolios a valuable point of reference when students apply for employment or university.

Marlborough Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 5HT

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