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The University of Kent is a catalyst for innovation, creativity and inspiration, developing a unique and individualist approach towards secondary education.

UKAT academies are undoubtedly different and unique, they focus on the importance of developing real community cohesion, achieving outstanding academic excellence and offer a variety of different ways to nurture and support young people’s learning. The drive and passion to try out new educational experiences and learning pathways is what the University of Kent are undoubtedly good at, they think outside the box, and they inspire and ignite change across a plethora of levels, working with students, staff, parents, carers and the wider community at large.

The educational offer at UKAT is bespoke to UKAT, there is no other Trust that has developed such a comprehensive range of interventions that undoubtedly make our academies unique. We are gifted with highly qualified and experienced intellectual educationalists, entrepreneurs and change makers who think differently about how to achieve outstanding educational outcomes for all partners and stakeholders invested in CG and BA.

Please click here to view the University of Kent.

Marlborough Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 5HT

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