UKAT Events

Student Life

Student Life

Sixth Form Induction Week

We plan our UKAT Sixth Form induction events with careful thought and precision, ensuring that we offer our students a fantastic week of various events and activities. Our aim is to warmly welcome our new Year 12 students and encourage them to embrace their new learning journey as a Sixth Form student at UKAT. We organise taster workshops inviting students to experience a range of different lessons, we organise specific time slots for students to meet the UKAT Sixth Form staff, free time to socialise with new friends, and most importantly enjoy a few tasty treats at the summer BBQ and ensure they are fully prepared for Sixth Form life.

Head Students

Once the academic year begins, we look at carefully identifying and selecting one or two young people as our ‘Head Students’. These students are given the chance to represent the UKAT Sixth Form at key events inside and outside of the academy. All students become involved in planning, organising, and taking part in several different activities and events where they can develop skills such as teamwork and leadership. There are also frequent opportunities for public speaking, an area which builds confidence and to which the academy attaches great importance.

Academic Mentoring

By taking part in both peer and academic mentoring schemes for students in lower years, UKAT Sixth Form students create healthy interaction between year groups, whilst enhancing their own leadership skills. Academy celebrations, charity events such as rag week and voluntary work both at the academy and in the local community are popular, and all help strengthen the academies sense of community.

WOW Programme

The World of Work (WOW) programme offers our UKAT Sixth Form students the opportunity to be employed across both academies as staff in various paid roles, for a few hours each week. This supports their development in work-based skills and provides them with valuable experience that can help when they apply for full-time employment or a place at university.

The WOW positions are:

  • PE Assistant
  • Site Team Support
  • Breakfast Club
  • Leadership and Challenge Assistant
  • DofE Assistant
  • Leadership Assistant
  • Library Assistant
  • Keynes Assistant
  • Sports Assistant
  • Art/Photography/Performing Arts Assistant
  • Sixth Form Careers Assistant
  • Science Technician Support
  • English Department Support
  • Social Sciences Assistant
  • Duty/Student Supervision Support Staff


Wellbeing is an important part of the UKAT Sixth Form experience, as we want our students to feel safe and supported, so they can enjoy their learning and focus on being the best they can be while studying for their Level 3 qualifications. This means that we provide students with a package of professional support via personal tutors, pastoral staff, and counsellors.

Rag Week

The annual Rag Week is held in December, and it offers students the opportunity to work together for a good cause. It’s a fabulous event, and the money raised is usually shared between three or four charities nominated by the students in the UKAT Sixth Form. In recent years, we have raised around £1,500 on average. This event is one of the highlights of the academy year.

Enrichment and Added Value

In the UKAT Sixth Form students are offered a wide range of opportunities both to develop their personal talents, and to become proactive and positive members of the wider community.

UKAT Combined Cadet Force (CCF)

The broad function of the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is that of a youth movement sponsored by His Majesty’s Armed Forces, to provide a challenging environment in Chatham Grammar and Brompton Academy so that students may develop power of leadership, by means of opportunities and training to promote self-reliance, responsibility, resourcefulness, endurance, perseverance, and a sense of service to the community. The opportunities are plentiful with the CCF, and students are invited to attend lots of adventurous and physical activities throughout their time with the CCF.

UKAT Duke of Edinburgh’s Award

We are proud to offer our students access to the Bronze and Silver Awards under the direction of the DofE programme.  UKAT Sixth Form offers Year 12 students a chance to participate in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award (DofE). The DofE programme has been successful in enhancing school learning and achievement, securing personal and social development and encouraging good citizenship. The Award is recognised internationally, and is well regarded by Higher Education establishments and employers.

Marlborough Road, Gillingham, Kent, ME7 5HT

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